Export very large dataset (million or row) in CSV as chunks
Is it possible in DOMO using python or postman to export whole dataset but break files(CSV/Excel) so we can have 5 million rows in each exported file.
How to get aggregated data without losing rows
I am looking to get count for each row without loosing any row. It can be achieved easily in excel using count if in excel but here how I can implement in ETL or Beast mode? Please see the sample input and output I am looking for in below image
I want to export my dataset as chunk of excel/csv file
I have a dataset in domo and I want to export the it in to chunks of excel/CSV file and each file having 5 lakhs rows. I found this link on domo developer. Can some one guide me how to proceed with this? I have Python 3.7.1 installed on my system and also having Anaconda distribution to work with Python if needed.…