Sum Total in Textbox
I am having trouble getting the sum of the value to display in my dynamic textbox. The only options I see that are even close to what I need is to choose the macro as %_FIRST_VALUE or %_MAXIMUM_VALUE. All I want to do is get the sum of the value for all of the categories. That way once I filter on the category level the…
How to get rid of scroll bar?
Is there a way to fit all of the data from a table on a card without having to use a scroll bar? Thanks!
How to add an Annotation to a stacked area chart?
Hi All, For whatever reason every time I add an annotation on the stacked area chart, the annotation does not display. The option is given to create an annotation and to save it, but when I hit save nothing happens. The chart is month over month so there are date values in the x-axis. Am I missing something? Any insight…