Domo is ready, but there is already an update storing. Please adjust your schedule to avoid update
Hello all, I noticed one of the datasets power a dataflow got stuck, while attempting to store data. I couldnt find a way to stop this dataset from attempting to store, I could however do another manual run attempt, however this would fail immediately as the dataset was still running and attempting to store data from the…
Swapping A field On Multiple Cards At The Same Time
Hello all, I was wondering if it was possible to replace a field (lets call it field X) with another field (field Y), to all cards that use field X at the same time. Currently have the need to do this for over 100 cards and it would be great if there was a way to do this all at the same time. For additional context, this…
Trigger Multiple Drill Downs On a Page At The Same Time
Hello all, Is there a way to trigger multiple drill downs at the same time on a page? The idea here is to have a kpi page where we can see things on a daily, weekly, and monthly level. So if the page were to start with a daily view to then be able to drill to weekly, then drill to monthly, but when triggered to also drill…