How to force legend to stay in a Specific order
I have two questions: 1. Is there a way to sort the legend in a specific order and have it stay that way? I would like it to be as follows: A B C D F But I am having trouble finding the option in chart properties. 2. There is also an extra option in the key that is showing up that doesn't apply to anything. Is there a way…
Trying to combine two different case statements
Hey everyone, I am currently trying to combine two case statements. I have written this statement: CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(`actual_ship_date`,`release_date`) < 2 THEN 'A' WHEN DATEDIFF(`actual_ship_date`,`release_date`) <= 3 THEN 'B' WHEN DATEDIFF(`actual_ship_date`,`release_date`) <= 4 THEN 'C' When…
Hover Results on stacked bar Graph
Hello, Is there a way to have all of the results show for the corresponding Bars when hovering over a specific result? Example: When I hover of the "F" Category in my card it highlights all of the other "F" categories within the card as well. But it does not display the results in all of them, it only displays the results…
Finding Average Depending on Warehouse
Hey Everyone, I am trying to make a card that finds the average of each warehouse depending on how quickly they unload a container. Then I will be giving them a "Grade" (A,B, C, D, F) depending on there average for the Year, Quarter, Month, and week. The thing that I am struggling to figure out is how can I have domo do an…
Beast Mode Turning numbers into a Letter Grade
Hey everyone, I am currently working on a project where I have built a data set to see the turn around times on our containers coming in to our warehouses. I am trying to make it so that it will assign each warehouse a letter grade depending on how many days it takes them to empty out a shipping container. I have been…
Beast mode Case Statement
I am trying to do an "If" statement in beast mode (which means I will need to use a case statement). If the "warehouse column" has a cell in it that cointains CA or WA I want it to subtract 5 from the cell in the column port to warehouse days.If the "warehouse column" has a cell in it that cointains GA I want it to…