How to Connect Custom Google Analytics Report to DOMO
Hi, I'm currently trying to connect some data from Google Analytics to DOMO, however, whenever I attempt to do so, it wants me to create a report from the ground up, or use one of the templates. I can't use either of these options since some of the data I want is being pulled from Demandbase into Google Analytics. Using…
How to hide target in Bullet Chart
I want to create a chart that displays the percentage of opportunities that have closed. I created a Beast Mode that displays a 1 if the Opp has closed and a 0 if it hasn't closed. I then threw it into a bullet chart, categorized by Lead Source. This is all well and good, but I don't want the target value to be visible…
Changing URL to text
I have a report from Salesforce that I moved into DOMO. In this report, there is a Website column, which acts as a hyperlink instead of text. However, I just want the text portion of the column, not the hyperlink. Whenever I export it as a .csv, the column changes to text but has a lot of other nonsense along with it. Is…