Index Data Calculation
Hi There, I'd like to index data but my beast mode seems to be off. Below is what I'm trying to do but the calculation isn't working. Index Formula = 100*(Current Revenue/Revenue from Jan 1, 2020) Beast Mode = 100 * (SUM(`revenue`) / SUM(CASE WHEN `day` = '01/01/2020' THEN sum(`revenue`) END)) Any help is appreciated!
Rolling Average Calculation
HI There, I'm trying to do a rolling average calculation. Compare Average of previous 7 days (not including yesterday) versus yesterday. CASE WHEN AVG(CASE WHEN `advertiser` = 'coke' AND (`day` <= CURRENT_DATE()-2 and `day` >= CURRENT_DATE()-8) THEN `revenue` ELSE 0 END) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (SUM(CASE WHEN `advertiser` = 'coke'…
Beastmode Percentage Calculation
Hi There, I'd like to do a percentage calucation of the following beast mode. COUNT(DISTINCT (CASE WHEN `Campaign` = 'A' THEN `ID` END)) / SUM(COUNT(DISTINCT (CASE WHEN `Campaign` = 'A' THEN `ID` END))) Can you advise on how to do an embeded beast mode calcuation? Thanks!
Beast Mode Embedded True/False
Hi There, I'd like to create a beast mode so that my pie chart can create all the options. I currently have a beast mode that has a true/false statement indicating which cells have been updated/not updated. I want to return the count of all the not updated as well as options A, B, and C. I'm not sure who to return all of…
Using replacement variables
Hi! Could someone teach me how to use replacement variables? I want workbench to update the latest day in the data set everyday. (but the data set has a two day lag) 1. I'm not sure what exactly to put in the values column. 2. I'm also not sure how to format the day in the query. - Right now I have it set as day >=…