How do I set up the append option for updating data correctly?
Use case: I have callrail data that begins in 1/1/2021. Currently the dataset is updating everyday and has REPLACE as an update method. The dataset is now taking at least 1-3 hours to update. I thought about changing the update method to append but when I did, I had duplicate data from 2021. How can I change the update…
how to the find difference between dates ( in days ) that are in one column?
I am currently trying to figure out the days between each customers transaction. I know you can use the DATEDIFF function but what if my dates are all in one column? Any suggestions?
What is the best way to parse URLs?
I currently am bringing in data from google ads and one of the columns is `landing page url`. I am trying to parse this row from: https://m.ufhealth.org/uf-health-pregnancy-care?utm_source=google&utm_medium=tj%20ppc&utm_campaign=fy21%20ob%20services&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIo7Hl4pCq8gIV_21vBB1iYQ_JEAAYASAAEgJD3fD_BwE to uf health…
Avg. Time between purchase orders
Hi, Domo newbie here. I am trying to find the average time between orders. The columns I have are Customer ID First Purchase date Last Purchase date Time between purchases I tried to using the group by function to find the average time between orders, but it seems to be returning the same value as the 'time between…