Hide lines in tables and scroll in html tables
It would be nice to have an option to hide the lines of the tables as well as in the html tables to scroll and not have to limit so much the images you want to see and can also be transposed. For example, for the first request
Legend in pie charts
I have a problem with the legend in this type of chart because when I only have a type it doesn't show the name of the type, I have to put it inside the chart, I attach a picture with an example. This can be done in another type of chart like bar chart
Keep filters between dashboards that are in the same folder
Many users want to be able to keep filters between dashboards that are in the same folder, this poses many problems because they have to duplicate the pages and see what filters they have set when these dashboards are related.
horizontal scroll and and card size in dashboards
It would be nice to be able to put the cards with the size we want, there are times when we need to have, for example, 23 kpis and it is impossible to place them all, plus as you add many cards the size is no longer the same for each of the cards. It would also be very useful to be able to superimpose cards, there is…