'Incorrect column name' doing a Dynamic Pivot
Hi there! I've been following this tutorial for dynamic pivot and so far it has worked: https://domohelp.domo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042923454-Dynamic-Pivot. However, I get this error: I thought it was because the name was too long, but the character limit is 1024 and even performing a substring I got the same error. 😓…
Is possible to use text values in a pivote table?
Hello! I am trying to create a table like this in which the values are a text field. I am using the pivote table that allows me to create the headers the way I want them but I think this type of chart only allows me to use numerical values. Is possible to use text values in a pivote table?
Is it possible to create a graph with categorical levels?
Hello! ☺️ I have this card in which every number (1-2-3-4) represents 4 possible levels of a scale (1-> Insufficient, 2-> Regular, 3->Sufficient, 4->Outstanding). Is it possible to create this card but with categorical levels so the card doesn't show 1, 2, 3 and 4 but the categoribal words?
How to use a calculated field in a SUM function? (Statistics)
Hello! Please someone help me with this error! 😥 I am creating a table (card) with the mean, variance and standar error of a data column named "Score". The mean is calculated like this and the value is 6.67: If I calculate the variance using the value of the mean it works: That's not the idea cause the mean can change, but…