Query to create a condition on a database
Hi everyone, I would like to know how is the syntax to create a condition column (if) on a database, for example: The column "PPG" already exists and i want to create the column "Gr" with this information. If PPG = "MPA 90GRS" then Gr should appear "90". Could someone help me with this calculated column, please?
How to create a column of data
Hi, i wonder how i a create a new colum with the date having these columns "Month" and "Year", it could be mm/yy or any format, but i would like to be in "date" format Thanks!
How to put dates in order
Hello, someone could help me how to put the month/year in order? It is alfabetic order, but I want in cronological order
Creating a DataBase on Magic ETL
I have a database with a column Area with differents areas, and other column called "Value" and i want to create a new database grouping all theses areas in just one, but keeping the others columns with the info that it was. I want to do these Magic ETL