Beastmode to categorise product revenue by average monthly revenue
We have a daily metrics table (updated daily to Domo) which records revenue per product per date. What we'd like to do is to calculate a rolling monthly average revenue per product as a beastmode, which is dynamic according to the date range selected by the end user in the card. This could then be grouped into custom…
DataFlow ETL to change column values based on values in another column
We recently discovered a data tracking issue that affects one of our datasets. The result is that the Revenue values have become meaningless after 24th April 2018. The other columns of data are ok and are still required. My aim is to change the all Revenue values to 0 when the date is greater than or equal to 24th April…
week on week % change beast mode
date examples are based on writing today - 6th September. my aim is to create a beastmode, which can ultimately be applied to any metric, which shows the week-on-week % change. this value would be able to be displayed in a table by date(week) or as a KPI card which would be filtered to show data for last week. the goal is…
Exclude all data from Current Month (in either Beast Mode or ETL)
My aim is to exclude all current month data. I have tried to do this in ETL, however the date field filter doesn't appear to allow for "less than current month" - happy to take suggestions. I have also tried in Beast Mode formula. I have successfully excluded data in other calculations using currentdate however am…
Line and Grouped Bar Chart with three metrics
I'm trying to build a Line and Grouped Bar Chart that contains three metrics all of very different scales. The card should show dates by day on the x-axis. The metrics are: - Revenue (bar) - Users (bar) - Average Revenue per User (line) the problem I'm having is due to the different scales of the values. the line with…