Table card percentages
I'm working on a table card and I can't get the percent of total. I've tried a lot of things and I can't get the percent of total to come out. I have 193 total. Does anyone have any ideas?
How do I get value and Percent of total.
There were 86 terms and 269 terms. How do I get value and percent of total? Do I just work it into a beast mode?
Percentages on this table
It comes out all zeros. Here is what I have so far. I tried count. Any ideas? case when `Ethnicity` = 'White' then 'White'/`Count` when `Ethnicity` = 'Asian' then 'Asian'/`Count` when `Ethnicity` = 'American Indian/Alaskan Native' then 'American Indian/Alaskan Native'/`Count` when `Ethnicity` = 'Black or African American'…
I'm trying to figure out a beast mode for a card for points?
For total points, we have to drop a zero. 500 points = $50.00, 50 points = $5.00, 2,550 points = $255.00. Anyone have any ideas?