grouping providers by how many times they submit
Hello, another user was able to help me with the formula but I am still working on the graph. formula test123 it counts how many times a provider submits a case, then it segments it into how many cases they submit per year. The system recognizes as a submitted case when there is a date in FirstSetupApprovedDate. Note that…
Count how many Providers submit a range of cases
Hello, I am trying to segment our Providers by how many cases they submit. I have the formula below but I have something wrong. Ideally it will tell me how many Providers submit between 1 and 10 cases and 11 to 20 cases labeled them as Provider 1-10. This count will change throughout the year as they continue to submit…
Average Lead Time
Hello, I am trying to get the average of lead time between submitted and approved this is my formula but is showing invalid formula when `FirstSetupApprovedDate` is not null then `FirstSetupApprovedDate`-`CaseSubmissionDate` / case when `FirstSetupApprovedDate`is not null COUNT(`CaseID`) end
Adding Budget Rows to Actual
Hello, I have an original cases database in DOMO each row has a case submission and case start, and then I later replicate it all the columns and added the budget we have for the year. I had to unpivot this data in order to create graphs that will put both dates in the same axis. I would like to show the budget as a third…
Graph Bar split by Quarter and by month
Hello, I am trying to split a table by Quarter and then show each month on that quarter, I was able to recreate it on Excel by using a pivot to split into quarter. If someone has come across this issue in the past I will appreciate some guidance. Chart that I want to replicate if possible I would also like to be nested to…
Seasonality Chart
Hello, I am trying to create a Card that will help with the forecasting. We receive cases (CasesID) by Regions all year, I need to create a Card that will show all the regions and then the month as columns, the values will be all the cases submitted in that month / the total cases submitted from that region. Where I am…
CountIf function in Domo
Hello I have a data that contains all the cases submitted and their submission date and in another column it has the approval date which can be in another date/year. I am trying to get the conversion rate (approvals/submissions) for each month, because of the timing they might not happen in the same month. A pivot table…