salesforce writeback batch append question
I have a dataset that has data flowing in batches and every batch group ( has a unique group name (column) , I want to writeback this data as it comes after necessary transformations to the same writeback connector to append only unprocessed records. While trying to do this, I get " it is illegal to have 2 inputs where…
Issue with form brick data flowing to app db
I have a form brick and the data flowing from form to app db. I have deployed the brick and have been using it across different locations. Now I don't see my app db running. I dont see my form input data flowing to app db. This is critical as we are not seeing the data that is recently collected. Can someone please assist?
SharePoint connection help
I am trying to connect my instance with sharepoint. however there are categories to choose from site , subsite and more. I only want to connect the account to a sub folder in my sharepoint to later download the files from. How can I achieve this in domo and magic etl.
Is there a way to multi upload spreadsheets from a folder?
I want to bring a set of spreadsheets from my one drive folder to domo , all at once, instead of uploading each spreadsheet separately. How can achieve this in domo?
Python script not running
I am transforming a dataset and creating a new dataframe using python script in magic etl. However it is throwing me an error saying the 'unknown error occured" Can someone help me in running the script?
Is there any way to bring/read PDF files in their original format to domo from SharePoint folder?
I have a use case where I have to bring folder access from sharepoint to domo. When I access them they get converted to other file types. However I want the access to be in PDF format only and later would like to run a python script in Magic ETL to extract specific data from pdfs to update rows in Microsoft excel. Is there…
Recent Editable Data Webinar question
@DanHendriksen Recently, I attended the Domo Hands-On Editable Data Webinar. Can anyone help me with the following question from the webinar? The second app was described as editable, allowing the approval status to be set and the priority to be changed. However, after submitting, the responses disappear and are no longer…
slicer not working on the beast mode calculation
I have a beast mode calculation with a CASE statement , where it considers another beast mode calculation to indicate high, low and medium risks. However , when used it as a slicer, it only displays 'no risk'and does not indicate high, low and medium in the slicer options. I am using it to filter my HTML table based on a…
Can we generate Embed public URLs for PDP policy datasets?
I have a reporting dashboard that has PDP policies set and assigned to different members to view only their data, Now I want to generate public embed URLs for each PDP assigned viewers so that they don't have to login in and can access and export data from public URL? Is this feasible? If so , Can I generate all URLs at…
HTML tables filtering
I have 5 columns and have a beast mode calculation that indicates risk level based on the value range, now i am finding it challenging to filter the rows by risk indicator
HTML Table scrolling
I have created a color coded HTML to track indicators, However I see that the HTML table is not scrollable where the Mega Table is scrollable. Mega Table do not allow the HTML styling. How can I make my html table scrolling without expanding the card in the dashboard.
How to reduce the gap between the grouped bars in Domo card?
I am currently building a grouped bar chart by year. I find the chart inappropriate with a lot of space between grouped bars making it look visually unappealing. How do I decrease the space between the grouped bars and make it look presentable?
Text column as values in Pivot table.
I have a column that is based on calculation of ranges and identifies the risk category. I want to set that column as values in my pivot table , however it is not accepting the text column as values. How can I achieve this?
Syntax issue for the beastmode concat ( text column)
I am currently having a column with different data types ( there are null, text, percentage -ve numbers, numeric values ) indicated as text column. The dataset displays %, -ve values. However , when cards are created, they only display the numbers but not the %. I tried creating beast mode for certain rows, however i get…
error while converting text to integer/float
I have a column that is a text column has values in %, $ and -ve values as well. I tried replacing the % ,',' and '$' to have only numeric values to convert it into a float or integer column. However I am getting the below error. What can I do to convert the numbers into numeric column so that I can apply calculations to…
What does the publish App do in the App studio?
There is 'Publish App' option when sharing the App studio App dashboard. I tried adding our organization domain as subscriber. What does this feature do? The data that is in the dashboard is sensitive and am curious to know if this publication exposes the data to everyone.
Defaulting a dashboard view to specific users
I'm working on a dashboard that includes a dropdown and a table chart. I want to set it up so that users can see a default view based on a specific value selected from the dropdown, but I need them to be unable to modify the dropdown or filter the data themselves. Can anyone guide me on how to achieve this? Specifically,…
An issue has occurred during processing. We are unable to complete the request at this time - 'undef
An issue has occurred during processing. We are unable to complete the request at this time - 'undefined' I was trying to filter the null values in my dataset by choosing column not in null, this gives me the above error and disappears the chart.
Removing 'Powered by Domo' mark when embedded.
I am trying to embed a dashboard and I see powered by Domo at the bottom with a link that redirects to the domo website. Is it possible to remove the mark?
Why is my data not being refreshed?
I have my app data flowing to a App DB data set where sync is enabled. The data is not getting updated and showing the last run as few hours ago. How do I make sure that my data set is updated?
Can we use Query Params for an embedded app ( brick converted to an app) ?
Can we use Query Params for an embedded app ( brick converted to an app)? I would need to collect the data ( Query Params) to my collection when embedded publicly using Query parameters.
Adding a prefix to all values in a column
I have a column named Division with integers ( numbers), I want to add a prefix 'Division' to to all values in the column to align it with all the values in the appended columns. What tile in Magic ETL would let me do this? I converted my integer column to text using 'Alter Columns' and now am waiting to replace the values…
Data type of column changing from text to integer after import
I have a dataset column that has number and alphabets and is a text column while uploading. However after the dataset import it changes to integer and the text values become null in the dataset. Even if I change it in magic etl, it converts to text , but the null values still remain the same.
Filters not displaying all data present in the dataset used.
I have a dataset which is used for cards, when filtered by dropdown cards, even though the value exists in the dataset under same column, the filter is not working on all rows, even though the data seem to be existing in the dataset and working for other columns in the same row. What could be wrong here? The below have…
Convert to App feature not available in brick
I had an option earlier in Domo bricks to convert it to an app. However the feature is not available now. How can I get the feature back?
Why is one of my dropdown filters not working on all cards
I have three dropdown filter cards, one of them is not working , the card value does not change when the filter is applied, however it worked when the filter is applied within the card.
Changing the bar height and size for Spark Bar Charts
I have created spark bar charts as i wanted to indicate the percentage increase or decrease between two bar charts.However, The size of the bar is defaulted and is showing a huge variance between two bars with slight difference in the values Can someone please assist if i can change the size of bars or If I can show the…
Duplicate column feature name change in Magic ETL
The current duplicate column title is a bit confusing. I thought it would create another similar duplicate column like the existing one. However, it only replaces the values of an existing column. It would be nice if you could also allow someone to create a duplicate column without affecting the existing columns.
Why cannot I public embed a form built through App studio, It appears blank when embedded.
I tried building a form through app studio. Is the functionality to embed a form from Domo app studio not yet developed??
How to create a collection for form input data through form & dataset brick when embedded publicly.
How to create a collection to store form input data through form & dataset brick when embedded publicly? Currently my collection is only storing the data entered locally.