New ETL Tile
It would be great to see an etl tile which can be placed before outputs of ETL which give the option to set different update frequencies for different outputs of the same ETLs.
How to create a column which SUMS based on the grouping of another column
Hello, I am trying to write an ETL which sums a value based on the grouping in another column (invoice number) which yields a column with the total quantity for each invoice. i have attached a simple table as an illustration of what i am looking to achieve. I do not want to write a formula where i have to continually…
Breaking down bundles into individual items
Hello Everyone, I am currently pulling in sales data from shopify. We have a core range of about 20 products and another 20 or so bundles which are made up of those core products. I am hoping for some assistance with how to break down these bundles into its components (core products) as we would love to see how the core…