Read pfilters in DDX Brick
We have created APP in DOMO and we are using pfilters to load the dashboard as per filters passed like we are passing client id, date range. We had to create DDX Brick as we wanted some custom logic for one card so DOMO suggested to use DDX bricks. We have created a DDX Brick and added card in APP for this Brick.…
Domo Iframe dynamic height code not working
I am trying to give dynamic height for domo iframe in the .NET project. but the code is not working. Please check below code <iframe id="domoFrame" src="https://<your-domo-content-url>" scrolling="no"></iframe><script> // Function to dynamically resize iframe based on content function resizeIframe() { var iframe =…
DDX Bricks pass pfilters or some parameters
we want to create DOMO Dashboard with DDX Bricks but we want to pass pfilters or some parameters to that dashboard so that dashboard will load data for based on those parameters. So how to achieve this