DDX Form and Dataset - Allow users to edit or remove entries
I have a DDX Brick setup to allow users to input items into a form that I then use in an ETL to filter our specific rows. By default, the DDX form is set to only allow the owner (myself) to edit or remove entries. I would like to set this up to allow anyone with access this ability. I was able to successfully modify the…
How can I prevent a running backlog total beastmode from hitting zero?
I'm working on building a labor model for my department to track where our projected backlog will be over the next several weeks. One problem I'm running into is when the incoming backlog is less that what we're projected to process, the backlog goes into the negative instead of hitting zero which then throws off all…
HTML link to external software
Hello, I'm attempting to create a link on a table that will open up external software based on an invoice number but when I click the link that is generated, nothing happens. The beastmod below works if I replace the "officelink" with "mailto" which opens up the mail app but it will not open officelink. Is there something…