Max Value per Month on a Weekly Feed Dataset
We have a dataset that pulls information from SQL that gets updated by the managers once a week for their current value (document review counts and percentage rates for activity per day per user, effecitve rates, price per doc for review). We are using this for our weekly reporting just fine, but, when we try to set up a…
Beast Mode for Numeric & Alpha Fields for PayRate Conversion - BambooHR Connector
One of our SQL query guru's was able to pull this one together as a beast mode rather than getting complex in the ethers with a magic ETL or MySQL transform. Below is taking a PayRate value where sometimes there's a 3 letter alpha field for the currency which made the field text. We needed to break out the letters to make…
Calculating and Grouping Generations / Age Stratification in Domo
Hi all - I figured since I got Domo Support's help on calculating generations / age stratigification I would share the beast mode calculation for anyone else that would find this useful and not have to reinvent the wheel. CASE WHEN `dateOfBirth` >= '1946-01-01' AND `dateOfBirth` <= '1964-12-31' THEN 'Baby Boomer' WHEN…