Correctly show financial information: Show positive sign on Expenses, COGS, Other Expenses.
As a financial dashboard, currently the way that domo display the P&L is incorrect. In the P&L, the table follows the formula: Total Net Income = Income - Cost of Goods Sold - Expenses + Other Income - Other Expenses in the card. However, all the COGS, Expenses and Other Expenses are showing the negative signs which…
Custom colors for waterfall chart type
Currently, the waterfall chart type is one of the only bar chart types that does not allow for custom bar colors via the Color Rules tab. I know we have some limited options for color customization with waterfall charts but these options impose some limitations in their current implementation. For example, when…
Supress Zero Value rows in Pivot table
Hi, Do we have an option to suppress complete zero value rows from pivot table. Thanks
Cards with Converting Negative Numbers to show with brackets around- PIE, DONUT etc etc
Hi, Nice to have option in the chart properties for Pie,Donut for every card to show negative numbers with brackets and values inside it. Example :: -39383.02 to (39383.02) we don't have this settings in many cards. Thanks
Variables limitation: Date filter is not working on the trend cards
When I select the date filter in domo dashboard, all the cards are updating based on the date filter except the M/M Trend card. Screen shot 1: When I select the current Month (Oct 2023), the M/M Trend card is showing the date range from 2022 Oct to 2023 Oct which is expected. Screen shot 2: When I select 2023-July, the M/M…
Custom formulas in Total Rows
Hi , As part of our requirement we need custom formula in total rows to calculate true net income value based on this logic. Net Income = Income - COGS - Expenses + Other Income - Other Expenses Currently to achieve this we are multiplying expenses and COGS with negative value(which we don't want) Please consider this…