Dashboard Name vs Display Name
Would be great if Domo has the ability to have both a user friendly dashboard display name as well as an admin dashboard name. Too often we find we have to compromise between user friendly dashboard names and dashboard names that provide easier management and governance.
Add Dashboard Group Names
Would be great if Domo had the ability to group dashboards by categories and have the category names appear in Dashboard Nav - visually distinct from dashboard titles / names. Would dramatically improve user experience and ease of locating dashboards - especially in environments where many dashboards exist. Currently, the…
Improving Embed Dashboard Responsive Layout
We have publically embedded a couple of dashboards, and at certain breakpoints, the individual cards do not render properly. Cards are often cut off (half is showing) or a large amount of whitespace above or below the contents of the cards are shown. This appears to be happening with some of Domo's examples as well, such…