How to invert x/y axis at Scatter graph?
I Would like to invert y and x axis at my Scatter graph where the bottom would be the positive number and when goes up it reduces. Same for X axis. This is the card I'm trying to fix: and I want to look like this (from a excel file chart):
How to create dynamic X range from backend or Beastmode?
At my index chart I would like to create a dynamic index when comparing 2 products. I need to sum the value sold from each product index and plot as a grouped and stacked bar chart. Sometimes I can have much more volume on "<70" that I would like to see, but to have this today I created at the backend a fixed range.
Adding multiple series in Grouped and Stacked Chart
Does someone know how can I create a grouped chart with 2 series? I would like to sum value from 2 products filtered and compare it on the same graph. But it's a index view, so I have to calculate the index (done at the backend of the data) and sum all value from each range I've got, like this image So I choose product 1…