Radio Button Filter Card - Set the default selection?
Hello, I have a Radio Button Filter Card on my page. I'd like a default value to be selected on this card. However, I can't seem to find a property that enables that. When i use Page filters to set a default selection the user can clear the filter, or filter on multiple values (which defeats the purpose of the Radio Button…
Case Statement in Magic ETL
Hello, Is there a way to implement a Case Statement (not nested Case Statements) in Magic ETL? Thank you, Nick
SFDC Connector - Delta/Incremental
Hello, We use SFDC Datasets, and we've always pulled the entire dataset. I've noticed their are options to do incremental/delta loads. I am curious how to get started with these options. Ideally i'd like to pull only new or changed records on a nightly basis as opposed to full data loads. What i'm looking for is some…
Select with an AND Condition
Hello, I have some sales document data [Sales Doc] [Line No] [Product] 1000 10 X 1000 20 Y 1000 30 Z 2000 10 A 2000 20 B 2000 30 Z 3000 10 X 3000 20 A 3000 30 Z etc.... My requirement is to have a user be able to select products (A user could select any combination of products), so in our example the pool of products is…
Replacement Variable !{lastvalue:xxxxxxxx}! Date
How can i determine what value/format is acceptable for my replacement variable? The field is a basic date field, and i have not had luck trying a couple formats/ways to express the date. I keep getting a message that says "The '05-25-18' string cannot be converted to the date type." Has anyone used a basic date…
Excel File Connector - How to update
Hello, The excel file connector, which allows us to quickly load an excel file to a Domo Dataset, is quick and easy. My question is, if you add a row of data to the Excel file how do you quickly update your dataset with that new row of data? There doesn't appear to be the option to "Run Now" which you see in the wrench…