How do I use window function date ranges in DOMO ETLs?
The short version, I need the following query to work somewhere in DOMO ETL: AVG(`Score`) OVER (PARTITION BY Company ORDER BY 'Date` RANGE BETWEEN INTERVAL '90' DAY PRECEDING AND INTERVAL '0' DAY FOLLOWING) More detail: I tried using group by but cannot use window functions, formulas but can't use aggregations, and rank…
Any chance I can add in a percent change over various fields in a pivot table via window funciton?
I am doubtful that it is possible, but I'm holding out hope that somebody might have some insight. In excel I can take the values of two different cells per row to calculate a percent change, but in SQL I only know how to do this when it's isolated across a single dimension. Below is a screenshot of two pivot tables with…
Anything like Difference matrix, Difference between two pivots, difference within the value field?
I've searched around but haven't had any luck finding what I need, but I am not sure if I've searched the best way either so please refer me if this is a duplicate. I'll use dummy data to ask my question, but effectively I need the difference between two values across a couple of dimensions. The goal is different from our…
Beast mode difference shows blank even when using coalesce
@MarkSnodgrass and @GrantSmith, you both helped me with my last question and for the most part, it gets me in the right direction. The problem seems to be that a null value completely nulls the whole result (like in sql), even when using ifnull() or coalesce(), whereas excel does evaluate it correctly, albeit with its own…
How to get video finishes data from the Vimeo Connector, or Vimeo in general?
Hello! I utilized the Vimeo connector with no problems but there is data on Vimeo's analytics dashboard that is not present within the data via the connector, such as video finishes. I am curious if anybody knows how to tweak the connector to allow more data? I found Vimeo's Dev API but it does not seem to pertain to…