Has anyone found a way to connect Intercom?
Intercom is a fairly widely used customer support and messaging platform. We're using it in-house and not having that data available in DOMO causing a lot of headache. Any suggestions?
Is there a way to remove Domo branding from slideshows?
I am preparing a set of metrics that will appear on screens throughout our office. The plan as of right now is to have those screens run from a preset page as a slideshow, rotating cards every minute. When I do this I see "DOMO + " in front of our company's logo. Is there a way to remove the DOMO branding and only display…
"Unable to retrieve datasets"
My list of datasets in the Data Center hangs while loading until "Unable to Retrieve Datasets" is shown on the screen. I am able to see other tabs. I have cleared my cache and tried in multiple browsers/versions. Any insight on how to make that tabs available?