Webform in App Studio
Anyone successfully embed a editable webform into an App Studio app? I'm totally lost and feel like I'm going in circles.
Connecting to Secure Teams Channel with SharePoint Online connector
I can successfully connect to a spreadsheet in a Teams site with the relative url: /sites/xxxxx/Shared Documents/test/test.xlsx but not: /sites/xxxxx/Shared Documents/test2/test.xlsx The "test2" is a secured channel in Teams but the account I'm using for credentials on the connector is a member of the secured channel.…
Help editing a SharePoint Connector setting
Anyone know how to edit and manage SharePoint Online connections: I can't seem to be able to give them meaningful names or delete unused connections. Thanks! Brad
Beast Mode Case Statement Pivot Table issue
I have a Beast Mode calculation that has a case statement that looks to pull actual data from the past and projected data from the future. Everything works fine in the pivot table card with the exception of the total. It appears that the case statement is affecting the total instead of the pivot table just summing the…
Batch Edit User Groups
Is there anyway to batch edit user groups or even create an "all users" group? My google foo is not finding any answers. Thanks! Brad