Multi-value Columns Gauge Card | Compare between Current Headcount vs. Dynamic Historical Month
I have a situation where I am trying to show how the Headcount moved by comparing Current Month Headcount with any of the historical Month which the user will select. The problem that I am facing is that when any period gets selected Current Month Headcount calculation becomes Zero. My dataset is very complex and massive…
Show Headcount based on Date Range Selected
Hello Everyone, I have been breaking my head over last 2 weeks looking for a probable solution to a scenario that I have. I tried ChatGPT as well but nothing worked. So, I have a Headcount App where I show Headcount based on various dimensions like - Geo, Region, Country, Gender, Leader, Job Role, etc, etc. Currently the…
Variance % formula not working correctly at Grand Total
What I am trying to do is look at Monthly Headcount Trend (Variance %) by Billable, Non-Billable and Total. My approach to identify change % is : (Current Month - Previous Month) / Previous Month. Since, it will be showing multiple months data in a tabular form, so I used the following formula for Variance % (SUM( CASE…
Beast Mode Calculation used to view data in Table
My question is related to showing Comments/ Verbatim in a Table using a Beast Mode to Apply Business Rule. In Org Survey, we want to make sure that if we have less than 5 unique comments then don't show the comments. If the Business Rule of >= 5 comment is met, only then show the comments/verbatim. Below is an example…
Dynamic Organization (Span) View
I am trying to find a way by which when a user view the Dashboard, then based on his/her PDP, s/he must see his/her own score and must see his/her Direct Reports entire span/ org score. I have attached a dummy data creating the scenario and along with it I have added Org Chart and the Views that is expected. Any help in…
How to bring certain data from one Table to another Table
Hello All, I am trying to find out an alternative of Vlookup kind of scenario in Domo. I have 2 tables - Employee Headcount Country Mapping Employee Headcount Table contains all employee related demographys such as ID, DOJ, DOB, Country, etc. But it does not have Region and Sub-Region data in it. For that purpose I have a…
Hello from India.. HR professional by DNA. Data is my second love and the first love of mine is my daughter :). Working as a People Analytics professional and moved recently to Domo platform from PowerBi.