your_super_shawn Member


  • Hi @GrantSmith , Thank you for your response. I actually submitted the issue to the Domo support team three days ago, and they are currently investigating it. I wanted to post it on the forum to see if others have had similar experiences and if anyone has any helpful updates. I appreciate your suggestion to reach out to…
  • Guys, just share some updates on this: After some extensive research and communication with domo support team, it seems that creating custom filter to affect all cards and custom apps on the same dashboard is not directly feasible, due to isolated environment where domo cards and custom apps live on. In other words, while…
  • Hi Grant, Thank you for your suggestion! I have indeed looked into the domo.filterContainer() method. However, this method is specifically for creating a filter container within my custom app, which affects the data displayed within the app itself. My goal is to send filter requests to other cards within the same dashboard…