@MichelleH YEs its a column already in dataset
@michiko Yes, the flexibility is given to users to choose the required fiscal year. Also can you explain this: case when FY = 'FY' then Date when FY = 'FY+1' then DATE_SUB(Date, INTERVAL 1 year) end
@GrantSmith Below is how I am trying to do it. CSO is Order Number. It is still not giving me expected values. :( . Please see output as well. Now if user selects 2nd Oct , it should show that Ship date has been changed after that. I have no where to show this in resultset. Output:
Hello @marcel_luthi . The user will input a date - I have to do a comparison between that date and the current date in the dataset. With @GrantSmith offset=1, how will i achieve it since LAG will show only previous record. Please suggest.
@GrantSmith What should be the offset in that case? If I choose 1, wont it give only prior date data? Problem is user can enter any past value and lets say he choose 1st Oct, then it should show records updated /entered new between 1st and Current dat
@GrantSmith The problem is that user can input any value from the past dates. Its not that he is just comparing previous snapshot with current.
Thank you @marcel_luthi :) That would be of significant help to me as i am new to DOMO.
Thanks all. I will try in Magic ETL and update with any issues.
@MarkSnodgrass I have tried that already but it would transpose the PLAT field as well which I don't want to do it. The PLAT field should remain as it is.