vaco Member


  • It is working! thanks @rco πŸ˜€
  • Thanks @akeating , I used your formula in my ETL, but I am still getting the same error message Failed to convert value 'β€”' from type string to type date. Please do you know another formula?
  • Thanks @rco , this formula is removing the T, but I still have a string. I tried to use the Alter columns tile to convert from string to timestamp, but it is not working. What formula will you use now to convert from string to timestamp?
  • That's great! thank you @ArborRose! πŸ˜€
  • Thanks @ArborRose! I will look into using python for this automation. I will probably ask some follow up questions on that.😁
  • Thank you @Jones01 and @MarkSnodgrass ! I will try both methods.πŸ˜€
  • Great! thanks @DanHendriksen!
    in Alert set up Comment by vaco July 22
  • Hi @DanHendriksen , I don't understand your explanation. There is no place in alert to add a filter, and the alert is now on the dataset not the card. Thanks
    in Alert set up Comment by vaco July 22
  • thanks @DanHendriksen , I created a test dataset first to see if it works, but the alert setting is the same. In this case the aggregated column is profit margin, so I selected profit margin and then sum because I don't see the option for no aggregation. There is no option for me to select product_id. Please see the images…
    in Alert set up Comment by vaco July 19
  • Thanks @david_cunningham , I tried to create a beast mode but it is not working. Maybe the issue is my beast mode. Please see the beast mode below. I get 1 for everything, but it should be 0 because all the rates are greater than 10%. case when (case when `product_id` = 10 then `Rate_calc` else 0 end) <= 0.1 or (case when…
    in Alert set up Comment by vaco July 17
  • It worked! Thanks @Sean_Tully πŸ˜€
    in Email connector Comment by vaco June 4
  • Thanks @MichelleH! It worked after making the changes in Google sheet.
  • Thanks @ArborRose, I tried your formula in magic etl using the add formula tile but it didn't work. Now "45,402.99861111111" is "P45403D". Is there another formula to convert back "45,402.99861111111" into "4/20/2024 23:58:00" in domo?
  • Thanks @david_cunningham and @Sean_Tully . I actually have both cases one without the rank and another one with rank, so thank you both for the insightful answers. I was able to filter the data.πŸ˜ƒ
  • Hi @DMJerry , the google analytics 4 connector works for me for GA4.
  • Thanks @DataMaven! I wanted to use the google analytics advanced connector because it has more options for measures but the support team said that it is not working for GA4. So, I guess the preferred connector is google analytics 4 connector.
  • Thank you @ArborRose! I got the "Read & Analyze" access, but I still have some issues with the data, so I contacted the support team.
  • Hi Mark, thanks for the great videos! I'm new to Domo, and your content has been very helpful.πŸ™
  • Thanks @DavidChurchman! I will try it.πŸ˜€