This error drove us crazy for a while. This is the reason for us; If you have page level filters saved on the page you are pulling cards from into powerpoint, all of the filters must have at least one value selected (could be all values) and then the page level filter must be saved to page. Hopefully that helps!
Yes to both. And the data set owner and an admin on the instance.
Your recommendation made me hopeful, but no. Page locked or unlocked, my filters rearange themselves.
Not for my user account. No matter the order I add the filters, once I save to page and refresh the web browser the order changes.
We've got some filters that serve as broad category filters and then other filters that serves as finer grain choices. To help limit the many fine grain report type filters, we are first filtering on the category type filter. It would make much more sense if the higher level filter came to the left of the finer grained…
It doesn't seem to be location in the underlying data, or alphabetical, or by length, or by order of adding to the page.
I would take having the filters sync up as a solution, or having the top dat filter not show as a solution. Just so long as I don't have a date range showing that doesn't reflect what the data is currently filtered to.
I don't have a "Select a date column" option available.
Card Level. When I click into an individual card a date rangle shows up next to the card title. I can control some of what shows up there in analyzer using the Card date range and Date Range Field. But I can't ask to have the date not show up next to the Card title. Or at least have the date range showing on the card level…
In my case we're not selecting anything in our graph related to dates, and I have no option to avoid selection of a 'Date range field' in analyzer.
It thinks that's correct when you're choosing a filter. My question is once we have selected a group of filters to save to to the page, what controls the order that the sticky page levels filters are displayed?