user08845 Contributor


  • Currently in Magic ETL 2.0 the formula tile allows us to create a formula and then in a subsequent formula reference the name in another formula without re-pasting the entire formula. This functionality does not exist in Beastmodes yet. I would love to see this functionality work in beastmodes. Longer beastmodes get really…
  • Was experiencing same frustration. it was a case-sensitivity issue. thanks so much for this old thread
  • In addition to Descriptions, it may also be useful to add Tags to Dashboards.
  • I would also like this functionality to have default selction on a radio card filter. I have a dataset that uses 2 Collapse Columns Transforms. I do this to create dynamic bubble charts that can be changed by 2 filters. 1 for the x-axis, one for the y-axis. If one of the radio filters is not selected it will multiply the…