user059353 Member


  • @ElliotGitter @GrantSmith answered it correctly. After you authenticate domo = Domo(client_id, secret, api_host = api_host) datasets = domo.datasets csv_file_path = './yourfileaname.csv' datasets.data_import_from_file(dataset['yourdatasetid'], csv_file_path) The following link should help…
  • Hi @amehdad. The ds_import function is not available in the PyDomo module. I get an error when I try to inspect the arguements. >>> inspect.getfullargspec(Domo.ds_query) FullArgSpec(args=['self', 'dataset_id', 'query', 'return_data'], varargs=None, varkw=None, defaults=(True,), kwonlyargs=[], kwonlydefaults=None,…