user05865 Member


  • So the more I think about this, what i need i one output is A rolling 60d average A count for yesterday grouped by: yesterday's date partner name transaction_type Got to be easy, but...
  • So for my first query, I've created this (as a transform). Not sure how to now add a count for just one day (yesterday). Also, not sure if a transform works because then how do i pull data from both this transform and the original data table for the one day count? select count(*) AS SIXTYDAYCOUNT , CURRENT_DATE-1 as Date ,…
  • Thanks so much for your prompt answer. But then how does the join work back to the individual transaction data?
  • Still having trouble with this, might just be my understanding. Mainly, i want average by day of week for each vendor. Then, in my main data, i want to alert comparing the current day to the average for that day for that vendor, and alert off of a percent difference. I have a stacked bar for each day, with vendor as the…
  • Same issue. To initiate email send of csv, lamdba requires us to first click on verification link in first email. Stumped.
  • So, a whole new table that tracks a rolling average? Probably one column per day so that i could keep the rolling averages and get trending? Or should i just have one column with 7 rows that get update daily? Thanks.