Thank you for your response. I don't set odbc access configuration to open the db in exclusive mode. But,Workbench tries to open the DB in exclusive mode. Then,it occurred error. To open link table, Does workbench need to open DBs in exclusive mode? Regards, Hara
Thank you for your advice. The security settings of the folder was not changed. But after asking a question, I was the one what came up with it, The query I wanted to upload was created with link tables from other DB. So, I created the same query in the DB, and created a job of Workbench and uploaded it, it worked just…
Thank you for your wonderful reply. I got the card I wanted! I did not know that the beginning of the week is fixed on Sunday at DOMO. I learned that as long as I set the data range to week, the card is subjected to that constraint. Thank you so much again. Regards, Hara