Thanks.. I think that did the trick. much appreciated!
I see I am not using the proper chart type to get that option…. but when I try those, i do not seem to be getting what I need.
Am I looking in the right place? (see image)… I do not see the option: Genera > number of running line totals
Thanks for your help!
Also, Can I filter to specific rows of my google sheet in the etl and how can i do that?
thanks a bunch Coleman! I Very much appreciate the excellent explanations with screenshots!
I am pretty new to this so please bear with me… I have the input dataset google sheet set up in my etl….. but do not know how to access a specific cell's value
thanks again Mark!
Thanks so much Mark! I think I have things working fairly well….Attached are some images of my setup and card. Questions: I noticed I has to 'Run' the dataset after I created the ETL - Will this dynamically update based on my schedule in workbench? If my imported excel file needs to be updated, do I need to delete the…