taylordomo Member


  • Hi @GaryGibb or @amehdad, is this brick available in the app store? Or how could I get started with creating my own. I don't see any code shared in this thread. Thanks
  • @xywust2014 get want to throw out this other thread where I left some query examples in case it helps https://dojo.domo.com/main/discussion/52453/error-creating-query-using-python-and-pydomo#latest
  • @andrew10196 I'm not 100% sure if this solves your problem but here is an example function that seems to work for me via domo.streams def append_domo_dataset(domo, stream_id, part, csv): streams = domo.streams # update method needs to be either 'REPLACE' or 'APPEND' execution = streams.create_execution(stream_id,…
  • Hi, I wanted to follow up on this thread in case someone else has an issue running ds_query. For me, as of December 2022, if the query string has incorrect sql syntax, I receive this exception error: Exception: Error creating query: There was a problem executing the SQL query: Underlying service error: Internal Server…
  • Yes! Changing the query to a string worked. Now that I look around, I am not sure where I got the idea that I needed a dictionary. For others that have this same issue: query = "SELECT * FROM table" df = domo.ds_query(dataset_id=dataset_id, query=query, return_data=True) Is the correct code to get the querying to work.…
  • Hey, I appreciate the idea! I'm getting the same exception with any of these: {"sql": "SELECT name, id FROM table"} {"sql": "SELECT name, id FROM table Limit 3"}