Hey Pritesh, Did you get a chance look at the above code?
Hello Pritesh, Thanks a lot for the reply. 'vendor' is my dataset name in the Domo DDX. I want to display values of 'vendor_name' column in my dropdown I have defined this in my manifest as below- { "dataSetId": "b928d658-dd19-4243-9db3-ce021ce2b8e6", "alias": "vendor", "fields": [] } I am using Ag-Grid framework of React…
Hey Pritesh, I am working on the same issue that you had - DDX: Getting Data in DDX form. I want to display rows of 'vendor' table as a drop down in the Ag-Grid cells. I have this table in my manifest.json as below- { "dataSetId": "b928d658-dd19-4243-9db3-ce021ce2b8e6", "alias": "vendor", "fields": [] } and this is my…
Hey Mark, Yes, I have tried that. It just displays '
' instead of line break
Hey Grant, Thank you for the reply. I have replaced ',' by '<br>' in Magic ETL as below- It is displaying <br> on screen instead of actually line breaking