Thanks for the like @Neeti. Would love to hear what you think.
Thanks for the feedback Grant. This is exactly the perspecitve of our CEO. He wants an overage to always be represented as a positive number, regardless of the flow of cash. The more I think about it the more I can see both of your points. I think the answer depends on how you look at your budget. Is your budget a number…
I just had to solve a similar problem. I don't think this is possible via beast mode but if it is, I would love to learn the trick. I solved this using the window function in Redshift. Since you are trying to figure out the time between when the user ends their offline time and begins their first call, you would want to…
FWIW - I just did a very similar project, but did it all in a redshift data flow using the window functions. Unfortunatley my solution ended up being pretty complex. . Intrigued to see if someone knows a trick to do this in beast mode. Things I had to consider: * Daylight Savings Time different offsets at different times…
FWIW - I just did a very similar project, but did it all in a redshift data flow using the window functions. Unfortunatley my solution ended up being pretty complex. . Intrigued to see if someone knows a trick to do this in beast mode. Things I had to consider: * Daylight Savings Time different offsets at different times…