mhouston Contributor


  • In the chart properties you can set the color rules. So depending on your dataset, you can set a color rule when that field is 0 to green and less than 0 to red.
  • @NathanDorsch the date filter on the dashboard operates on each card's respective date filter. So for your example - the page filter for 1/1/22/-1/7/22 means that the card you created will filter on order date where it falls in the range 1/1/22-1/7/22. If you created another card on the same dashboard, and the card's date…
  • What's your dataset structure like? If you can get it to a row per day worked, you could join to the calendar dimension, and then do a group by on month and year to count the number of days worked.
  • Does your dataset include future fiscal years so that you need the where clause for "DATE_VALUE" = current_date? if not you could just use a group by tile (you may need to add a constant tile before hand with a dummy constant to group on) and get max(fiscal_year). Otherwise you could use the filter tile to filter where…
  • @svetlana do you have any filters applied in your top level card on columns that do not exist in your drill path card? This has tripped me up before - when you drill down all the filters from your top level card are carried through (even though you don't see them explicitly) so if any don't exist on your drill path card…
  • @NathanDorsch the date filter on the dashboard operates on each card's respective date filter. So for your example - the page filter for 1/1/22/-1/7/22 means that the card you created will filter on order date where it falls in the range 1/1/22-1/7/22. If you created another card on the same dashboard, and the card's date…
  • @NathanDorsch the date filter on the dashboard operates on each card's respective date filter. So for your example - the page filter for 1/1/22/-1/7/22 means that the card you created will filter on order date where it falls in the range 1/1/22-1/7/22. If you created another card on the same dashboard, and the card's date…
  • @NathanDorsch the date filter on the dashboard operates on each card's respective date filter. So for your example - the page filter for 1/1/22/-1/7/22 means that the card you created will filter on order date where it falls in the range 1/1/22-1/7/22. If you created another card on the same dashboard, and the card's date…
  • @ozarkram it would be helpful if you provided an example of your dataset and the output you are getting from your beast mode, as well as what you are expecting to see.
  • There is a sharepoint connector ( you can use and you can point it to .xls files that way - however you can only point to one file at a time (so you have to create a dataset for each file). The knowledge base walks you…
  • I think you just have a syntax error. You should not have "as reason" in your case statement. The syntax for case in Domo is: CASE WHEN .... THEN ELSE END Otherwise, as long as your column names are valid, the formula should work (although you may want to add a space before 'reason' so that you have a space in the final…
  • Is there a row in your dataset for April? If not, I think you need to add a row for April where the quantity is zero.
  • Is there a reason you need to do this in a beast mode? This would be easier to do in an ETL - you could use a formula tile to concatenate the names and reason and then the names and ship instruction, and then do a group by tile to group on pickno.
  • I would probably do this in Magic ETL and do a combination of grouping and pivoting. You could do a group by tile (on your input) on ticket date and ticket type and count ticket id - then use a pivot tile to create a column for each of your ticket types, which would give you the first half of your table. Then you could do…
  • @jaeW_at_Onyx how would you retain the information of which project the hours go to? like if hours are moved from A->B or from a project to overhead (Which impacts the utilization calc?) If I do a group by day to sum the hours per day, I lose that info, and then the utilization calc is wrong. We also definitely have…
  • @Stan_Smith it sounds like you need to use a full outer join - this will find the matches between dataset 1 and dataset 2, but will also keep any unmatched records from dataset 1 and any unmatched records from dataset 2.
  • @MarkSnodgrass thanks for the ideas! Your point about training accounting is a good one and this is probably a good opportunity to revisit the time entry business process and see if we can put better controls in place.
  • @ozarkram you would create a new beast mode with the formula CONCAT(YEAR(`pickupDATE`),'-',MONTH(`pickupDATE`)) and then put that beast mode in the sort section of your card, and select sort ascending.
  • Since you are using the month name, it is sorting alphabetically. I think you could just sort by pickup_date to sort it in date order. Otherwise, if you want the month name in your display, I would create a second beast mode for sorting on using the year and month number: CONCAT(YEAR(`pickupDATE`),'-',MONTH(`pickupDATE`)).
  • It sounds like you have different data granularity in your datasets and that is causing the the duplicate rows. It sounds like your budget data granularity is month/department and your actuals are date/dept/account(?). If you're just joining on department, you're probably getting a cartesian join of every month X every…
  • I don't want it to be a percent of business name, but the total spend for the category divided by the total spend across all distinct businesses. So like in the example data I put, I want the total women owned business spend (1000+3000) divided by the total spend across distinct businesses (1000+2000+3000) = 67%. The 1000…
  • @MarkSnodgrass how would you structure the over clause? I couldn't figure out how to do that to get the amount for the distinct businesses.
  • The 'X-DOMO-Developer_token' is the argument header i.e. headers = { 'X-DOMO-Developer-Token': developertokenhere, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } The developer token is generated in admin -> authentication --> access token ( Third party…
  • @jlrosenlof I have not done anything yet with adding/removing tags - it's (low) on my to-do list. I'd probably either sniff the network traffic while doing it manually or just reach out to the third party support to get that endpoint info. As far authentication I did that with the X-DOMO-Developer-Token and the API token…
  • There is an API but it's not documented in the API docs (that I have seen). I worked with the third party support team to help me when I needed a curl request to get the dataset tags from the datasets. The API url was
  • In the dataset view there is an icon with three dots and under there is an option for Notifications. You can turn them off from there:
  • You can also use @all to mention everyone in the conversation.
  • @GrantSmith have you run into any issues getting these beast modes to work correctly with the analyzer date filter (i.e. this year graph by week/month etc)? I'm trying to add a running percent of total line to a chart (running total of x/running total of y) following this and the values are correct as long as I'm not using…
  • Your syntax in your numerator is missing the "case" and "end". I think you want: (case when `FirstSetupApprovedDate` is not null then FirstSetupApprovedDate`-`CaseSubmissionDate end) / (case when `FirstSetupApprovedDate`is not null COUNT(`CaseID`) end)