kbota Contributor


  • Yes, agreed. I just encountered this problem as well and all it told me was "Unable to load this dataset". Like you said, it would be helpful to know why. Thankfully I found your suggestion, but had I not, I would have been very frustrated as to why my dataset was not loading.
  • Yes, this would be super helpful to add to the system! In a company as large as ours, it is a pain to have to build a placeholder card and share it with a priviledged or editor user any time I simply want them to have access to a dataset so that THEY can build cards from it. The placeholder cards clutter our instance and…
  • Thanks @Jaketh13, I will try that!
  • Yes, the MySQL statement is as follows: SELECT a.*, (SELECT SUM(`Sales 2017`) from retail_sales_2016_to_present_joined as b where a.`Date_1` >= b.`Date_1` and a.`Store Location_1` = b.`Store Location_1` AND YEAR(a.`Date_1`) = YEAR(b.`Date_1`) AND MONTH(a.`Date_1`) = MONTH(b.`Date_1`) ) as 'Sales 2017 MTD' FROM…
  • Thanks @ST_-Superman-_--another dojo member provided me with a MySQL statement that appears to be working, so I think I am good to go now! But thank you for responding and looking into this for me!
  • I am trying to use these same transforms to create a Running Total column for my store sales column--I have thirty stores and would like to have a column that shows each store's cumulative total sales for the month as of each date. However, when I try to use these transforms, it only returns values for the first store in…
  • Thanks @tomo! I must have missed the OneDrive connector when I was looking for connection options.
  • I did not see this specific idea in the Ideas Exchange, so I have added it (see below link): https://dojo.domo.com/t5/Ideas-Exchange/PDP-Impersonate-User-For-Testing/idi-p/20713 As you said, I am sure Domo is aware this is a needed functionality, but it does not hurt to have others weigh in as well!
  • Thanks @AS, I will try that -- seems crazy that this feature isn't in Domo. I can't imagine I am the only person who has ever wanted to change the unit a scale counts by, if nothing else for easier readability.