jporras Member


  • Can you provide a sample data set of 10-rows? regrds, JP
  • Have you considered drillthru. Remember, for reporting you start at a higher level and then drillthru. For example, I would create a data set by BUCKETS. These buckets could be, Morning, Afternoon, Night OR every 2 hours. Regardless of what card you're using. You could try bar chart or heatmap by the hour or bucket of 2…
  • You are right. I've tested by using the Single Value Card and adding your dataset in an online form. The summary number average is the only one creating it correctly. It should be 19,45. After changing the properties in the card it is now averaging to 20.88. Also when using beast mode as to creating a weighted average it…
  • And lastly to add to your questions, REPORTS can only be added into domo when these reports are tabular only. -JP
  • This is one way I would go about it. 1) I would acquire a replication tool that syncs SFDC data to a database like MySql, Oracle, or SQL server. 2) Multiple options here: a) use Workbench to upload data from your DB to DOMO b) upload directly from domo c) Partition the data with a view (limit the data set size) and upload…