jp2631 Member


  • @trafalger Must have been a late night of work, as the brain no longer functions, but I got my problem resolved. Thanks to you and @MarkSnodgrass
  • @trafalger and @MarkSnodgrass I tried the above suggestion, but it doesn't seem to work. Regarding the formula below, I attempted to filter out the "dt" dates that are not between "TimeOffDate" and "LastAbsenceDate" (ReturnToWork), but I still ended up getting them. I'm uncertain about how to distribute the "HoursOff"…
  • @trafalger I tried your suggestion, which works fine for one PlacementID and one dateAdded.. in the EditHistoryPlacement Table. However, when there are multiple dateAdded.. entries for one PlacementID in the EditHistoryPlacement Table, I end up getting multiple rows returned. This is why I thought I should use the ROW…
  • @trafalger Maybe my explanation will confuse a lot of people, but I expect the end result to look like the data in the table EXPECT Existing Pay/Bill Table
  • @GrantSmith Thank you for your quick response. Your suggestion works well! I also realized that I made things too complicated. My formula should be as simple as the below code, then add a filter after to filter out the NULL rows in the 'RecruiterOutcome' column. Problem solved!!! 😀 CASE WHEN AdditionalRecruiter = '' and…
  • i, could someone please tell me what is wrong with my case statement below? It validates without any errors, but when I try to load it, I receive the following error: "An issue has occurred during processing. We are unable to complete the request at this time." I am trying to create a calculated field with the following…
  • I got the same error "dividing by zero" Here is my simple formula DIV(`ItemBill`,`ItemPay`) I event tried ItemBill`/`ItemPay Both formulas I got the same error. Could someone help?