jbuaron Member


  • same inquiry here - we align to Fiscal Calendar so would be great to know how it can be done in DOMO
  • @AS removing the space is tricky lol - took me awhile and by just entering a blank value (space) solved it! thanks
  • thanks for the speedy response and that able to eliminate the USD. However, when I use now the Set Column Type, seems I am getting similar error -- please find attached screenshot. Any idea how I can move forward? Thank you in advance.
  • tried RIGHT(`Forecasted/Actual Churn Value`,2)*1 or SUM(REPLACE(`ACV Amount at Risk`,',','')) and both not working on my end or Im doing wrong. The RIGHT commands output something but wrong value - meaning to small on the real $ value while the SUM command is not outputting anything at all. Please find the attached…
  • feels same issue here. I am getting "Failed to convert data 'USD 440,000' to type Integer for column 'ACV Amount at Risk' when on Magic Etl. Basically, I wanted to convert that field that is Text into a Number so I can report the $ value. Very new in DOMO so not finding ways to get this use case resolve :(