Hi @zaclingen_fwm, You can do this with a window function: SUM(SUM(`Monthly $`)) OVER (PARTITION BY `year` ORDER BY `month number` )
That's interesting, can you share some screenshots so that I can see how it's configured?
Hi @jrtomici Can you confirm whether you are witnessing this behavior when you save and run the Magic ETL, or just when you preview? If it's only when you are previewing then I would suspect that you're not seeing any values in your new sum column because you're working with a large dataset and the max you can preview is…
Hi @giannzi - DATEDIFF() returns the number of days between two dates. Example: MIN(DATEDIFF(`Due Date`, CURRENT_DATE())) If today is 03/13/2025 and the due date is 04/04/2025 it will return 21 You can then use your ranges to provide the color rules. For example, the face card only allows 3 ranges and you don't have to…
You can use DATEDIFF to count the number of days and then use the range options in the card configuration something like this: MIN(CASE WHEN `Report Status` = 'unfinished' THEN DATEDIFF(CURDATE(),`Due Date`) END)
Hi @Makam - I reviewed the documentation for that API and I see that the "List Ledger Entries" and "List Ledger Entry Lines of a Ledger Entry" endpoints use a page based pagination method rather than next token. As a workaround could you try first getting all Ledger Entries, and then with a second JSON connector loop…
The allowable html tags are listed in this knowledge base article, HR isn't on the list not are text-decorations which you could use for an underline. The U tag works for underlining but doesn't provide the ability to color it differently that the text as far as I know.
Ah, in that case I don't believe it's possible to target a column in your dataset and make it non-filterable
If you have your dashboard in Edit mode, you can select the "Edit Content" menu for your card and select "Change Filter Exceptions", then on the pop up window for filter exceptions uncheck "Allow global date"
You can view a list of installed packages on the packages tab inside the python tile. If you do a search for scipy you should see it in the list.
Can you provide a sample of your data?
Is Academic Plan the identifier for degree being pursued in the Term? If so, if you add it to your fixed function partition you would get a count of terms by student and degree being pursued. After that I believe you can divide by the number of students to get an average of terms per student.
I'd recommend using the global data filter in the Controls section of the App Studio dashboard as well as some filter views for frequently used options.
I don't have a lot of experience with the Smartsheet connector, but according to the FAQ in the knowledge base it says: Can this connector pull custom fields? The connector can pull your Smartsheet spreadsheets as they exist in Smartsheet. Ensure that the spreadsheets are formatted using the best practices for normalized…
If you click on the configuration for your input dataset you can then expand the Data Handling menu, there will be one or more columns with a data type of Date, change them to Text. Then in your ETL you can handle any conversion issues downstream.
In Magic ETL you can use a Rank and Window Tile with a ROW_NUMBER function, sort on Overall Credits descending and partition by Student ID then add a filter tile for ROW_NUMBER = 1
I did some digging around and apparently Pandas has two Integer Data Types: int64: The standard integer type in pandas for 64-bit signed integers. Nullable Integer Type (Int64): This is a special data type in pandas (note the capital "I") that allows integers to coexist with NaN values. This is useful because the regular…
This is interesting, and I have no idea why it happens, but for whatever reason your Nulls get converted to 0's by the read_dataframe() function only when they are Integers. If you add print(input1.head()) right after line 5 you'll see it in the console. Since the values are 0's then there is no NaN value for fillna to…
Check your schema in your python tile and ensure that 'ACAD_PLAN' is included in the output
According to the FAQ for Fixed functions, they can't be used to filter a card. I recommend going the ETL route that @MichelleH suggested instead
If you add a row number column in your ETL you can use it to place a blank row between two other rows. For example, if I want a blank between Revenue and Wages I could assign a row number between them And then I can hide column 1 in the chart properties: This would create an empty row: You can also play around with column…
It depends on your goal, if you want to preserve the timestamp that was applied in an earlier run then you would place it directly after your non-recursive input dataset. This would apply the timestamp on the new data and preserve the timestamp on the recursive data. But if your goal is to overwrite any prior timestamps…
You can use an Add Constants tile or an Add Formula tile, if you go the Add Formula route the the function you would use is called CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()
Can you bring the fields in separately and then concatenate them in an ETL?
Can you give this a try? SUM( CASE WHEN amCollectorPrice > 1 AND nmOrganizer IN ( 'Live Nation 2 s.r.l.' , 'Live Nation 3 s.r.l.' , 'Live Nation 6 s.r.l.' , 'Live Nation Italia s.r.l' ,'Comcerto Srl' ) THEN qtTicket END )*2.54
The issue you're running into is that month('2024-12-01') is greater than month('2025-01-01') if you break up your case statement that should fix it for you: CASE WHEN YEAR(`SSD`)< YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) THEN 'Past Due' MONTH(`SSD`)<= MONTH(CURRENT_DATE()) AND YEAR(`SSD`)= YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) THEN 'Past Due' ELSE 'Future'…
Hello, I'll refer you to the Knowledge Base Article on Summary Numbers which will explain much better than I can. Hope it woks for you!
I don't believe that you can choose an average of a sum in the total row, but you could display the average in the summary number instead.
Just a guess, but could it be that you have duplicate column names? Instead of SELECT column, T.* FROM TABLE T can you try SELECT column as uniquely_named_column, T.* FROM TABLE T
In Magic ETL you can write a REGEX expression to strip out everything that's not a number or number-related, REGEXP_REPLACE(your value,'[^0-9,.]','') however an additional problem is that 5.76% would get turned into 5.76 which is a totally different number. So I think your idea to turn bad data to nulls is safer. You can…