gatormain Member


  • Thank you @nicolasfeddern! I found it after poking around more. Didn't know it was under the 'Calculated Field Transform' type.
  • Unfortunately I do not believe so, but it is in their backlog to do: The closest thing that I can think - If you use Latitude and Longitude with the LAT/LONG Map - it will automatically zoom in based on the data used, but it won't be just a state.
  • Hi @Chandler- do you know what access level you have? To invite users, you must be 'Privileged' or 'Admin' - you may want to ask your administrator. Also, I don't think social users are available until Domo Buzz is installed on your instance. I believe that is when they appeared for me. If that is the case, you should…
  • Under each Dataset, there is an option to have it terminated after a certain amount of time. Expand the Dataset Click 'Settings' In the bottom container 'Additional Settings' there is a checkbox for 'Terminate long running DataSet jobs after:' The only options are 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 hours. (any other options would be…
  • I think it may have to do with whatever the previous drilldown paths are. It may be different in your case, but I notice the columns order change based on it. For example, say I have 3 columns in a card via a file that has many columns: Event (column 3 - Y axis), Region (column 5 - the Series), and Year (column 8 - the X…
  • One possible option I can think of off the the top of my head is to add an additional view that is a table. Sort the columns as you would like and select the option to prevent going into that last view. When editing the card, the table option (or heatmap) allows arranging the columns however you want and can keep certain…