dthierjung Contributor


  • It's also possible that you have a row within your Period column that is less than 4 characters, which could also throw that error. Are there any nulls or values that wouldn't follow the format you specified? I ask because as far as I have experienced, the Workbench behaves syntactically the same as SQL Server Management…
  • Oh, my apologies. You need to remove the apostrophes from around your column name. I had originally incldued them in my example just as a way of showing the column name should go here. So the query would be (with removed apostrophes from around OrderStartDateOffset): SELECT * FROM OpOrder WHERE OrderStartDateOffset >…
  • How familiar are you with SQL? You should be able to apply a simple where clause like the following: SELECT * FROM dbo.TableName WHERE `order_start_date` > DATEADD(yy,-2,GETDATE()) If you have to, you can try casting or converting the `order_start_date` column to a datetime that SQL understands.
  • You should be able to use the CONCAT() function in combination with YEAR(NOW()) to get the current year, and append it your string. Here's an example that manually builds a date representing the current date, but 1 year ago: str_to_date( CONCAT( YEAR(CURDATE()) - 1 , '-', MONTH(CURDATE()) , '-', DAY(CURDATE()) ),…
  • You can create a Beast Mode function in any card and use the following function to return the unique values: COUNT(DISTINCT `column_name`) The distinct key word returns the unique values. Let me know if that helps.
  • So it is possible to use HTML in a table card to display custom cells/fonts. And technically it would be possible to display the font as a barcode. However, and it's a big however. You would need to bring in a reference to the font library which, so far as I know, is not possible in a beast mode. You would need to alter…
  • As far as workbench job updates go, it should run silently in the background of your PC (or server, depending on where it is installed), and only prompt you for admin rights when you start the application itself. But the application does not need to be open for your jobs to run and update, so long as the Workbench service…
  • Oh interesting, you were right on, I didn't know about their naming conventions more custom connectors. To answer your question then, as far as I know you cannot filter the available list of tables by user, the connector would present all options to them. Now I'm not familiar with your organizational or data structure, but…
  • Unfortunately you cannot access a card's data via the API, just the underlying dataset. Although this seems a popular request - would be a good idea for the Idea's Exchange. Browser automation or further data manipulation after the API call would be the only viable routes I can think of. Although, it might be worth…
  • As far as I know, those subtotal and total rows cannot be dynamically updated to new colors, but can only be set in the chart properties to be a static color.
  • I'm a little confused about your usage of the word "reports". Are you referring to datasets? Or the visualizations themselves (i.e. cards)? A dataset should more or less remain static in that it has the same columns once it's put into production, (obviously development is a different story where things are likely to change…
  • Okay so I tested uploading an Excel sheet using both the legacy File Uploader and the new version, and both are behaving as you described, in that they don't update the data when it is re-run. Definitely a bug the Domo team should be aware of, if they aren't already. I would say in the interim, you can use the Workbench to…
  • In theory, you should be able to convert your data to a csv format, depending on what you're working with. For example, Json or objects can be converted to a datatable format which can then be sent as a csv. As far as an official REST API, I can't speak for Domo's dev team and their release schedule. If it's not already an…
  • You can retrieve a list of users using Domo's API, then check the id property for each user to determine what code you'll need to execute: https://developer.domo.com/docs/users-api-reference/users-2#List%20users
  • Hello, So when you use the fetch() command in R, you have to pass in the id of a dataset, not the name of the dataset. The id of a dataset can be found in the datasets url just after the "datasources" like in the example below:…
  • Have you looked at this page? https://developer.domo.com/docs/authentication/overview-4 All of their exampels are actually using curl, and they show you how to start with authentication, authorization, etc.
  • Hi there, Check out this link to the Domo developer page for info on importing and exporting datasets, among many other possibilities. https://developer.domo.com/docs/dataset/import-and-export-data They have some good examples on structuring your calls and expected responses. Postman is an excellent tool to test their…
  • Depending on the connector you chose (assuming the new File Uploader connector), there might be some schema settings you will have to update. If you're using the File Upload connector, I would walk through each step to make sure you're including the new column in your upload, and just to refresh any potential stale…
  • So using the connection builder won't work for some reason, however you can use the Connection String connection type and that will allow for slashes to be properly parsed in the server name. Example: Driver={SQL Server};Server=TestServer\dev;Database=TestDatabase
  • To my knowledge no, the filters (quick or otherwise) are applied to the entire underlying dataset, so all columns would be affected. Would be an intersting idea to post on the ideas/features request forum though.
  • Truthfully I'm not sure if you can since I've never had a use-case for that before. It might just be a blanket action to the whole column though. It would be a great feedback/requested idea though! I'm sure there are others who could benefit as well.
  • That article I linked above should be able to walk you through the whole process step by step, however you would need to bring your data into your instance via the Workbench. Are you currently using it at all? That was one caveat I had initially mentioned.
  • Sure check out this article about it: https://knowledge.domo.com?cid=wb4encrypt
  • That's very strange. I just tested adding html to a dataflow and it displays correctly in a table card. I think at this point we've exhausted what we could try to fix, and you will likely need to reach out to technical support for their help. It's possible that some instance settings may have been jumbled because…
  • Aside from opting into the beta program, our instances shouldn't be different in terms of base functionality like this. The comment above me by ZMM should be able to fix your beast mode formula though.
  • You can use the Workbench to encrpyt selected data that's being brought into your instance, but you will need to use the Workbench to accomplish this.
  • So I just tried the string you provided in your last post and it's working correctly on my end (see attached). Would you try doing the same string in a beast mode, and letting me know if it works? Curious if there's an issue by performing it in the dataflow vs a beast mode.
  • Domo is fantastic for prototyping however with the sheer amount of data that you're working with, ad hoc reports will be tough to do quickly. My company has moved our productionized data flows into a MS SQL environment which does all of the heavy lifting on our server so processing times are typically much shorter. Have…
  • We don't have any inputs that exceed 3 million, so I don't think I'd be able to make a useful comparison for you, although I'm sure others can comment on their run-times. As an aside, I had a dataflow that executed in 3 hours but only had ~600k rows total. After adding indeces, this flow completed in less than 10 minutes,…
  • Not having seen your joins, I would suspect that adding some indeces to your input datasets on the columns that are joined on will vastly improve the run time. What sort of ETL are you using? If it's the MySQL ETL, you can use the following syntax as a transform to add an index: "ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD INDEX…