dougstewc Domo Employee


  • Do you have a dataset that defines the fiscal calendar within your instance? Something that shows each day, and what fiscal month that day is in?
  • Thanks @juliannarenaud1. Have you tried creating a beast mode to identify the start and end dates and concat them together into a range and then show that in a table card?
  • Hi @juliannarenaud1. I want to make sure I understand your question correctly. Are you looking to have a new card that is only there to show the range for each year? If that is the case, would you be comfortable showing what the MTD beast modes look like? Thanks!
  • Hi @tseamans These are great questions. Rather than try to explain it all to you here, I want to point you to a great article in the Domo Help Center. To begin, please click here to enter the Help Center. If you are not logged in with your Domo log in credentials then the below link will not work properly. Once you are…