Did you ever find a solution for this? I'm struggling with the same issue. I need to use a global date filter and have the comparison based on the previous period from what was selected.
Completely agree! The last update with Analyzer on 9/16/2022 has caused a lot of issues. Some updates have been good but we have to stumble across them to know they are there.
I am having the same issue. I've changed my settings to only pull 1 day (was set at 10) and still receiving the error. We have about 45 active campaigns so not really a lot of data. Things were going pretty well until June 24th. Before that I would only get the 'too much data' error every once in awhile.
"Other than that, you can just turn it off so that it doesn't send out those emails." How do you turn off those emails? I found where I can turn it off for myself but not company wide. If you can't do it company wide, as an Admin can I update other users' notificiation settings? Thanks!