Wonderful!!!!!!!!! Thank you very much!!!!!
🧐 Nice... I'll try that! ✌️
Tks a lot! Just did that! 👍️
Excelent Help, guys! Thanks a lot! 😊 Thanks to you both, i was able to generate the process, performing a mixture of the two ideas. Now the whole process runs in just over 10min, even working with the 50million rows!
Thank you both for the answers!!! @GrantSmith , I just using one column in my join because i just need to replace all the dates that exists in the new table, excluding the old ones. Let me see if i understand, when i ran the Dataflow "WESE | Dados Históricos Tratados" and place a "Dataset Output" with the same name, i…
I change the inferior part to represent a table only with the column [Dia] without duplicates, but the result was the same: Transforming the superior part into a Dataset View, solve the execution (just 15min to run), but i will not be able to update this automatically. I need to update the main table every weekly execution:
I didn't understand that!! JOIN structure Filter structure Why so many records?!?!
And is not possible to say to DOMO: "Hey, the user filtered that, but you need to include that other value, too"?
😍 Tks a lot!!!!!!! I'll dive in this API world!
Tanks, @GrantSmith and @jaeW_at_Onyx ! Our team is stuck in some fronts just because we cannot use MagicETL and burocracy to change the way we receive the data (other enterprise). I tried some ways, but without part of DOMO features, (ETL, Explorer, etc) some visualizations are simply not possible. Tks again for the quick…
Ah... One little problem! Using ETL is not possible because the base is only a Snowflake view. The data is not in DOMO DW. 😥
Tks @GrantSmith ! We really think this was possible and we just doesn't know well the tool. Unfortunately, using Dataflows is not possible for the client! 😫
Tks for the response, Mark. We already testes this feature, but we need to use the "ALL" in Beast Modes. Many KPIs use different aggregations, like Share Of Market, for example.