Wolfram Member


  • Hello, three years later! I am super disappointed that this is still not a feature. After three years? I was designing a dashboard with the design dashboard feature, but it is totally unviable because I cannot control the drill path. See the image. Each line represents a group of people. I want users to be able to click a…
  • This is incredibly limiting. Is there a way around this or plans to allow post-aggregation filtering? There are tons of legitimate use cases to filter on aggregations (e.g. filtering a sum minus another sum). Tableau can do this, why not Domo?
  • It is amazing that this isnt a feature, and that the post requesting it is from 2015.
  • Same issue... Supermetrics can do this. 
  • Hey Aaron, thanks for the idea! With six publications groups, would my end users need to log in six times? That would not be a suitable experience. The end user should be able to log in once, and have access to six sub-pages (one for each marketing program). Further, some programs will need custom cards that are not…
  • I am frankly amazed that this is not a feature yet. You offer combo charts. I use combo charts to compare things like Forecast vs. Actual. If I want to drill into a particular month, one of the two Forecast or Actual will be filtered out. This is a horrible user experience and makes me and this product look like **bleep**…
  • This is really not good for the user experience. I have an analysis of monthly cohorts, showing growth/decay over time. I want the end user to be able to drill into a cohort, to look at the growth/decay of individual cohort members. These are the filters applied when drilling down: I only want the filter for 'minPeriod'.…